General Terms, Conditions and Access policy of Pl@ntNet API

These Terms and Conditions govern the conditions in which you may access and use the Pl@ntNet API services ( Any and all users of the Pl@ntNet API service accept the present General Terms and Conditions.

User account

Using Pl@ntNet API requires the creation of a user account.

When you create an account, we collect your e-mail address (useful for password reset; might be used very occasionally to contact users), your name and first name (optionally) and a username (to log in).

For security reasons, passwords are not directly stored in the database. They pass through a cryptographic hash function whose result is stored (the hashing action cannot be reversed). A unique numeric identifier is attributed to each account and will be associated with every data collected from this account (user account data, history of queries).

Main Pl@ntNet API feature: Identify a plant with a query

The query corresponds to one or several photos of a plant submitted by the user for identification. The API returns the most likely species with a confidence score and the URLs of the most similar pictures in Pl@ntNet database.

The photos sent by the user are not stored in the database. They are only kept in our server volatile memory during the identification process.

We store the query history of each user (i.e. the date, time and image URL(s) of the submitted queries). We don’t store the images themselves, only the image URL(S). The objective is to control the amount of queries submitted by the user and compute some statistics over time.

Access policy

Pl@ntNet API is free of use up to 500 identification queries per day. It is also free of use for specific non-profit educational and scientific purposes: please contact us and indicate (i) the name and url of your non-profit organization, (ii) a short description of the usage of Pl@ntNet API you are targeting.

Any free use of Pl@ntNet API might acknowledge Pl@ntNet with the following sentence : "The image-based plant species identification service used, is based on the Pl@ntNet recognition API, regularly updated and accessible through the site", and the logo : (svg) (svg)

It is not allowed to create more than one free account per person or per legal entity.

It is also forbidden to create several free accounts submitting queries from the same IP address.

Pl@ntNet API is paying for commercial usage beyond 500 identification requests per day.
This paying access requires signing the following agreement:
Payment currency: € EUR
Payment currency: $ USD
(Amounts are given in euros on an indicative basis but payments will be invoiced in USD at the exchange rate in force on the date of the billing.)

The pricing is the following:

  • 1,000 € (excluding taxes) for a volume of 200,000 requests per year with no carry-over from one year to another.
  • All consumption beyond the fixed rate of 200,000 requests per year will be charged 5 € (excluding taxes) for 1,000 additional requests.
  • A decreasing cost will be applied for the following volumes of requests:
    • 4 euros/1,000 identification requests, for requests over 3 million per year,
    • 3 euros/1,000 identification requests, for requests over 30 million per year,
    • 2 euros/1,000 identification requests, for requests over 300 million per year.

In any case, the usage of Pl@ntNet API is limited to 10 simultaneous requests per client.

Use of the Pl@ntNet API

Your personal account and your login information provided by Pl@ntNet are placed under your exclusive responsibility. You will not share your password nor let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account. You are solely responsible for the use made of your login information. You are solely responsible for any loss, diversion or non-authorized use of your login information and their consequences. All remarks and images submitted on this application must be in compliance with French laws and regulations in force. You expressly commit not to using any racist, pornographic or slanderous words on the application. It is reminded that you are entirely responsible for the content you spread and that Pl@ntNet will not be considered responsible for the content you have issued.

Limitation of liability

You acknowledge having been informed and accept the fact that under no circumstance whatsoever shall Pl@ntNet be liable for the creation, modification, suppression of your personal data, which is under your full responsibility. You use Pl@ntNet API at your own risks. Under no circumstance whatsoever shall Pl@ntNet be liable for any direct or indirect damages, in particular material prejudice, data loss or financial prejudice related to the access or use of this application. The Pl@ntNet's contents are displayed without any warranty whatsoever.

In no event shall Pl@ntNet be liable for the accuracy of the results obtained by the use of the Pl@ntNet API. Pl@ntNet shall by no means be responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may incur as a result of the use of the application.

Users' rights and obligations

The contents of this site are protected under literary and artistic property law, the Bern Convention, EU directive 96/9/CE and book 1 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle . All reproductions other than for the personal use of visitors to the site, notably with a view to publication in any form, are strictly forbidden without the express written permission of Pl@ntNet.

Visitors are responsible for their interpretation and use of the information consulted, and for the data they provide on forms included in the site. They are bound by the prevailing rules and regulations.

Intellectual property rights

No element of the Pl@ntNet application shall be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, downloaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed, howsoever done, partially or integrally, without the written and prior authorization from Pl@ntNet, except for the strict needs of the press and provided that the intellectual property rights and any other mentioned property rights are being respected.

Personal data

By registering to the Pl@ntNet API application, you accept that your identity, under the names, surnames and email address you specified when registering, is stored by Pl@ntNet until the account is cancelled.

In accordance with Articles 49 and following of Law No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms and Articles 15 and following of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (RGPD or GDPR), any person may:

  • have confirmation that personal data relating to him/her are or are not processed and, where they are processed, access to such personal data,
  • request the correction or deletion of his/her personal data,
  • request that the processing of his/her personal data be limited,
  • request the portability of his/her personal data if the processing is based on consent or a contract.

Any person may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning him/her.

Any person may give general or specific instructions regarding the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.